We met with Ashley and Cj a few months ago but the official proposal had not taken place yet. Cj was able to give Ashley her great-grandmothers diamond but the setting was not quite finished yet. Cj wanted us to capture the proposal so we asked Ashley if they would be interested in a pre engagement session to help us with some promo work. Cj gathered his and Ashley’s family and when the ring was ready we were more than excited to meet them at Wildflowers in Fairhope, AL.
The first hour we just did our normal session, then when they changed for the second hour we were ready for the proposal. Cj had met us there earlier that day so we could choose the exact location and walk him through how it could happen. After they changed and met us at the second location we began as normal and then walked Ashley to where we needed her to be so Cj could drop down to one knee. So when we asked her to turn around Cj was set and ready.
Her reaction was priceless and the rest of the session went as you could imagine. You can absolutely see the love they have for one another. After sunset we all went to Gambino’s with their family and friends for dinner to celebrate their engagement. Cj you did an amazing job pulling everything together. We are so excited for you two and cannot wait till June. May the Lord bless and keep you and make His face to shine upon you!
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