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Justine & wayne

Husband and Wife Wedding Photographers

Jan 1, 2020

I wanted my own camera ever since I could hold one. I asked every year for better one. I can still remember every camera my parents gave me, and how excited I was Christmas morning to be able to take pictures of everyone. This was back when everything was film, and I didn’t want to waste one picture. I would frame my subject and wait until they laughed or some other genuine emotion came. I loved it; I still do, and it brings me great joy to capture the emotions of so many people.

I can remember after high school how badly I wanted to be a photographer but I didn’t know how or where to start. I got a scholarship to play volleyball at Spring Hill College and left my dream behind to only be a hobby. Fast forward after 5 children and several cameras, Wayne surprised me one Christmas with a Sony A6000. I loved this camera (my son uses this one now). This rekindled my dream of becoming a photographer.

I launched Justine Cunningham Photography. I captured children and families mostly but I was still looking for where I wanted to specialize. I also wanted to find my style, and I learned sometimes you have to try all of them before you find your own. Fast forward a few years later, my brother was getting married. My brother in law (owner of Colonial Photography) was shooting the wedding and asked me to shoot with him. I was so excited. I loved every minute of it and quickly decided this was where I wanted to go with my business.

I talked to Wayne about it and almost before I could finish he was already saying yes. It was like he already knew and was just waiting for me to realize it. I rebranded to Justine Danielle Photography for my wedding business. I began to learn everything I could about wedding photography and the business behind it. I quickly learned this was going to be a huge investment, because lets face it you only get one shot to get it right, wedding days only happen once. I asked everyone I knew if I could shoot along side them for free, I just wanted the experience.

I asked Wayne if he would join me. He said he would go and carry my bags and everything, but he didn’t want to take pictures. One wedding I handed him a camera I had already set and asked him to help me. He did great. I promised I would teach him and reluctantly at first, he began. Then one day he said I never knew it would be so much fun! This sparked our second rebrand into Justine & Wayne. This by far has been my favorite journey. I asked Wayne the other day if he could choose one word to describe us what would it be? He said joy without hesitation. We truly love what we do and love that we get to do it together. We cannot wait for all of what 2020 holds. Thank you to all of you who have believed in us and trusted us with your most precious memories. Cheers!

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