Hannah and Joshua chose to have their engagement session at their wedding day location. This beautiful piece of property is a private residence. I love that their engagement session and wedding will be completely unique. I love how it is hidden in plain sight. Driving by you would never know this beautiful location was hidden behind the trees.
We started on the long narrow drive way before you get to the lake. This was such a fairytale beginning. The tall trees that lined the winding path were just perfect. For the second half of the engagement session we traveled down to the lake. We moved around quite a bit because their were so many beautiful spaces. The light was fantastic. I still cannot believe this weather we are having in May. The humidity was low and there was a cool breeze. In South Alabama it could easily be pushing the 100 degree mark this time of year.
Hannah and Joshua you guys are so precious together. We had the most amazing time hanging out with you two. We cannot wait till November when we get to do it again with all your family and friends. Enjoy this season. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you!
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