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Justine & wayne

My baby is turning 5!

Apr 7, 2018

Next month my baby will be 5!  Lydia is the youngest of 5 and this is going to be both joyous and hard for me.  Every time I hold her I realize it might be the last.  Every time she asks to rock or hold my hand I realize it could be the last.  With each child somewhere along the way there was a last time.  A last time to hold them until they fell asleep, a last time to give them their bath, a last time to help them get dressed, a last time to carry them to their bed etc.

I know we all want our children to grow and to learn to do on their own and I’m grateful mine have all been very blessed to be able to do for themselves, but a little piece of me can’t help but realize these lasts, will also be something I will miss so desperately.  Even now typing through the tears I know I will miss rocking her to sleep, and just watching her breathe.  When she looks up at me at bed time and asks for a big squeeze, and that little giggle that will just melt you to pieces.

She told me today about a time when she was a little girl and now she’s a big girl.  Having children is what has made me realize just how momentary this life is.  While I will dearly miss these younger years ultimately my prayer for all my children is that they would know and love the Lord with all their hearts.

Lydia I pray that the Lord would bless and keep you, that He would make His face to shine upon you.  I pray that the Lord would give you a heart after Himself and that you would live to share the Love of Christ with others.  Mommy loves you very much and as much as I will so miss this time while you’re little I also so desire to serve God along side you as a sister in Christ.

This is us

  1. Sandy says:

    Beautifully Said! Sweet Lydia!

  2. Camille says:

    Grandma’s girl for sure! Love me somecLydia and Love to hear her say Grandma

  3. Pops says:

    As I too have those exact feelings I know that time waits for no one I try my best to embrace each child everyday and with beautiful pictures like these they will always be in my heart great work Justine “For those who love time is not “

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