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Justine & wayne

Our 1970’s fixer upper

Jul 16, 2018

Wayne grew up in the community where we live now and had several close friends that he spent a lot of time with.  One in particular was the Hicks’ family, they lived close by and held many of the youth events at their home.  They had a swimming pool, basketball court and a large home so it naturally made a great place to hang out.  Fast forward 20 plus years, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks were getting ready to build their dream home and found out we were getting ready to move back into the area.  They so graciously called us and offered for us to buy their family home for our own.

We were thrilled!  I’ve always wanted a pool, the house was big enough we could have a classroom for our homeschool and the yard is every kids dream.  While the space was perfect we knew there would be some changes we wanted to make, to make it our own.  Over the last 4 years we’ve made some of those and today I wanted to share one of my favorite places in our home.  Our dinning room.

This room is one of my favorites because I love that it’s an intimate atmosphere, kind of sectioned off from the rest of the home where we can have family dinners without seeing any of the chaos or clothes that need to be folded.  It’s also where we have the privilege to counsel and pray with many friends and hold our client meetings for our engaged couples.  It’s where we talk, share and have our family devotions.

There are so many things I love in this room.  The China cabinet is an antique Wayne got me for our anniversary several years ago from a precious lady.  It belonged to her grandmother and she cried when Wayne picked it up but she was so glad that we had bought it.  The little wooden high chair is one of my favorite pieces too.  It’s Amish made and has held many children over the years.  The dinning table was given to us by our previous Pastor and his wife.  It’s vintage Ethan Allen and their first dinning table many years ago.  The bench my son and husband made for me for my birthday.  The tea cart is also Ethan Allen I found in an antique shop on sale last year.

It finally looks exactly how I envisioned it and I couldn’t be happier with the way it has turned out.  I’ve painted many pieces of the furniture, white washed the brick, painted the room and this week we laid the floors.  Many hours of work have gone into this space but I wouldn’t have it any other way.  What’s your favorite space in your home?


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