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Justine & wayne

This is Us…. Part 3

Jun 9, 2018

June 21, 2005

“Wayne came over to help me with my budget on my computer and then we went to his house to play cards with several friends.  After everyone else left, Wayne and I talked till 5:30 a.m.  This was the first night we talked about us.  I shared what Jessica had told me several years before (about how I was going to marry him) and he shared that 10 years before the Lord had shown him at a youth retreat that he needed to change his major from engineering to math, and that he would teach at Faith Academy and find his future wife there.  June 22, 2005 I went to my parents house to eat supper and he called and asked me to come over for a minute.  The reason is because he wanted us to pray together.  This was the first night we had held hands.  This was also the night he told me I was the Proverbs 31 woman.”

Now while I do aspire to be like the Proverbs 31 woman I’m definitely not there.  I can remember leaving that night after we had talked and prayed, trying to figure out how to leave.  We were standing at his door after we basically just agreed the Lord was leading us to marriage and I had never even hugged him.  Do I shake his hand, wave, hug, this part was a little awkward.  To be honest I don’t remember how I left but I was so thankful that physical affection wasn’t the leading cause of our attraction.

I hear today is best friends day and without a doubt Wayne is my best friend!  I’m thankful for his partnership in the gospel and the way he leads our family.  I have more fun with him than I’ve ever had with anyone in my life.  He makes smile, and there is no one I’d rather do life with than him!  Next week I’ll let you know how it went the first time he asked my dad if he could marry me…..

This is us

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